Kevin Durant’s newfound arrogance rubs CJ McCollum the wrong way

Golden State Warriors star Kevin Durant, and his newfound arrogance rubs CJ McCollum of the Portland Trailblazers the wrong way.

By Neil Harrington

Kevin Durant and the Golden State Warriors have “scoreboard” on the entire NBA, winning two straight NBA finals — showing no signs of slowing down either.

After signing Demarcus “Boogie” Cousins to the midlevel exception, the Warriors appear to be a lock for their third title in as many seasons.

On his recent podcast, CJ McCollum of the Portland Trailblazers admits he’s sick and tired of the Golden State Warriors’ winning ways — expressing so right to Kevin Durant’s face.

Their exchange is “must-hear” radio — so you might want to grab your popcorn for this one.

Kevin Durant: “Why are you mad about this stuff?”

CJ McCollum: “Bro, I’m in the league. What do you mean why am I mad about this stuff? I’m in the Western Conference. I gotta play you MFers all the time anyway as it is, over and over again. We got eliminated by y’all a few times in the first round. So I’m looking at Cousins.

Kevin Durant: “I mean… you know you guys aren’t going to win a championship.”

CJ McCollum: “Bro, we have the team. We have the capabilities. Anything is possible. We can win a championship, bro.”

Kevin Durant: “I suggest you just keep playing, man and don’t worry about what goes on at the top of things. Relax.”

CJ McCollum: “We were right there at the top of things. We were the third seed last year, bro. We were right there. We were just slightly below one and two.”

Kevin Durant:: “But how’d you play?”

CJ McCollum: “Some unfortunate situations happened in the first round.”

Kevin Durant:: “How’d you play?”

CJ McCollum: “Some unfortunate circumstances.”

Kevin Durant:: “Like an eight seed.”

The duo then continues their conversation on social media — is there any popcorn left? This is getting REALLY good.

Savage, KD. Savage. Somebody take him off of McCollum before this gets too ugly.

To be fair, Kevin Durant boasts two NBA Finals MVP awards (2017, 2018) and an NBA (regular season) MVP (2014), so I suppose he’s earned the right to say whatever he pleases.

I do give KD credit for joining CJ on the podcast, and for his transparency.

However, it’s a terrible look for a man that couldn’t win a title without the likes of the already established Golden State Warriors dynasty — so using that newfound success in bashing a fellow NBA player is a “flagrant foul.”

Next post: Most impressive individual accomplishments in Sports History

If McCollum had the resources and teammates that Kevin Durant has in his arsenal, he’d have a few rings, as well. Durant needs a bit of a reality check or to embrace his humility of many moons ago.

I always thought Durant was a humble superstar, especially after receiving his 2014 NBA MVP award.

Or, the time where he surprised some unsuspecting college coeds, playing some pick-up flag football.


Now, it seems that “nice guy” act was a masquerade — with Kevin Durant revealing he’s as big of a delta bravo as anyone in the League, or any walk of life for that matter — rivaling that of the “great” Ryan Lochte.


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